" Write Blog Post That are Irresistibly Clickable"
The Type Around Blog Post Title Is Real.
And I understand Why ?
The legitimacy of Spending hours, Crafting titles comes down to a simple rule of " HOOK AND SKINNER "
Let me explain
The internet is full of flashy information, Correct ? Let's assume you are a blogger, Pick a topic, any topic and chanses are some one , some where has blogged it about, If you happen to pick a popular blogging niche , chanses are that a simple google search for popular Keewords will result in tens if not hundreds of the blog post on same topic , Which one do you think gets more clicks ?
Yeah, SEO Plays a huge role ,
But let's forget about SEO for minute and focus on which title on the every page of Google Search Results gets more clicks ?
The Blog Post Title, That gets more clicks is one that pinpoint the readers pain and offers a solution using words that stand out from the rest of the titles .
About the exact same pain points and it's solutions.
In other words , It all comes down to the copy .
You see, Most of you worry about selling up a blog, choosing a Domain or settling up social media platforms. All of these are very important.
However as a successful blogger what's even more important is your skills to write words.
No! It's doesn't mean you do not need to be the next KAFKA or NOBOKOV or even rowling to that matter. But you do need to understand how to write in a way that gets people to actually read what you write. And that's comes with practice.
Here is a piece of unsolicited advice,
" If you plan on making money blogging, Spend some time learning about copywriting , proofreading and editing. These are the invaluable skills that will help you out in the long run.
Because no matter what you think?
Blogging and content writing, has to do with getting people to read your stuff and people won't read your writing is compelling
Writing a well put together.
Blog Post is different from Writing stories and essays .
" A good blog post is about selling yourself " !
Whether your post is geared towards selling products,or services or an idea, it's really all about marketing.
And marketing has to do with copywriting.
It doesn't have to be a financial investment per se. There are lot of free resources out there and you should do the best you can learn with them.
Conclusion : The Title Is The Very First Thing, Your potential readers comes across on a Google Search Engine Results Page ( SERP) or a social media page/ your Profile Page " And that's where the magic begins"