Are you one of those business owners ? Whose curiosity never ends ? Then you are in the right platform. Now my commitment to creating lessons, worth sharing is an extension of this blog mission of spreading great tips on proven tatical principals. The principals shared by this blog are dedicated to all curious minds , Who are willing to know more about the stuff's happening around.  The entreprenial aspirations among the youngstersare on the rise amongst the people in India. The technology has opened up new opportunities for business and made managing business easier. Quick Summary of (Hotel/ Resort) houspitality industry.
The history of the houspitality industry is closely related to that of civilization . It is a history that has evolved as major civilizations appeared and devloped. The facilities offering hospitality to travelers and guests have existed across centuries; they have evolved in their offerings by consistently adapting to the wishes of their most important stakeholders. Hotel or Resort operations are chiefly concerned with providing accommodation, food and drink services . This requires efficient managers to have better understanding of room divisions, restaurant and kitchen operations. In some Hotels/ Resorts, these core services are augmented with leisure, entertainment, and fitness facilities, or with conference and banqueting services that attracts aditional guests and revenue. In some the guest experience requires employees having a direct interface with consumers. Like front office operations ivolve services produced in the presence of guests. 
The Hotel/ Resort business world today is considered diverse and more intricate than it wasin millennium before. The service and the business in this millennium must move towards innovation in a way to build and sustain competitive advantages. In this present environment business in india whether gigantic or tiny will not get for success if it's lack smart work, commitments, deciplin and devotion for effective transformation of business into a success philosophy. There must be a shared vision, "A CLEAR GOAL" divided into different success factors or different milestones leading towards ultimate success vision. In india, there exists many examples of such businesses that are started from a very small level but later acquired great success in achieving their deserved goals. There are certainly few factors that plays vibrant role to take business next level ( Towards Success).
Companies and organisations should have a adaptive style to incorporate the demands of changed market conditions. In india verious organization's have experienced extensive growth right after the industrial revolution in their business objectives. But this article is based on the ( studies) reasearch focused on some key businesses that have acquired ultimate growth, fame, brand recognition and diversification . The basic aim of this ( Study) research was to dig out the factors that makes success certain. Apart from focusing on broad areas such as adapting ( HR) Human Resources , effective marketing strategies, adequate finances etc. There are various factors that contribute to the progress of the business. If an individual with zeal to excel work consistently then certainly success is guaranteed . Most of the (Hotel/Resort) businesses fall short of desired growth because heavy reliance upon profit making rather than satisfying there guest. While yelding low quality manpower placements, improper productive services, and hence distorting guest relations. They ferget guest requires good quality and if hence not satisfied than the business surely lose guests .
I remember there is a saying " We're obviously going to spend a lot in marketing because we think the product sells itself". ( Jim Allechin Quotes) 
Therefore keeping in view the needs, wants and greeds of the guests human resource department must focus on the performance of individuals masses on qualitative services.
This research is purely prepared on practical experience, knowledge and approach through conducting interviews from successful owners ( Entrepreneur) to find out the factors of their success. For accurate analysis Interviews were recorded to know the owners priority success factors. 
Purpose of the study ( research) or RESEARCH METHODOLOGY !
This research was conducted to figure out the determinants of ( Hotel/Resort) business success particularly focusing on the business owners who started their business from the scuff and finally reached to the ultimate success and now enjoying prime recognition in their respective fields.
In nutshell , the aim was to Identify interpersonal success factors that were adopted by (Entrepreneur) business men to reach at distinctive level.
 # Insights to access powerful success secrets. 
If you are reading this article carefully it means that you are probably , actively engaged in the ( Hotel/Resort) business development and are interested in applying proven success principals and best practices for your small business . It is also likely that you have found yourself in one or more of these scenarios.
#1) " I" Know I need a plan to grow my business but I don't know from where to begin. I bearly have enough time in a day, to run my business, mush less to plan for my feature success. 
These are the quick proven tip's - without the fluff and hype . 
#2 ) I'm working hard in my business, but I don't feel like I'm any closer to my targeted goals than I was years before. I want to start working smarter than ever before and interested to see real results from the fruits of my labour as an entrepreneur.
#3) Its been an amazing year so far! I'm really excited about what the future holds for my organization. I'm ready to plan for more success it would be great if I could gain access to other Successful Entrepreneurs to learn their success secrets and to apply to my growing small business.
If any of these statements sounds familiar with your business phase that means you are ready for the fresh and provocative business insights that I have revealed in this article.
Unseen ( Hidden) benifits of planning for building success for your business.
As it has been said " If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail". ( Harvey Mackay) 
www.harwaymackey.com. instead, I'm on a full- tilt mission to help you plan for massive success in your Hotel/Resort business. As planing for business, success can make the difference between a thriving, profitable organisation and a business on life support.
Ask yourself ? Whether your business is gasping for air ? Or ready to improve it's peak performance. Yes! Article is here to help you master the essentials and plan for your small business success.
Now this is a perfect time to reflect on the changes you want or need to make in your business.
This article is collection of proven best practices and is the result of collaboration with some of the nation's leading entrepreneurs across diverse array of houspitality industries. 
Definetly, I will reveal candid behind- the scenes insights from proven leaders that will educate , Motivate and will inspire you to take action and achieve your full potential. My fresh collection of business insights is designed to help you build a smart sustainable and profitable organisation. At the same time I will explore fundamental success principals that today's most of the top entreprenurs employ the same to get results. 
I know that the coordination of knowledge towards a definate purpose is a trampoline tool. Therefore simple - yet powerful expert advice combined with definitive action can strengthen your brand and it's bottom line.
Weather you are a seed, an early stage of startup or a growth organization, I will share unprecedential access to straightforward business tips you want with practical approach you need.
This is what I mean, Adopting a fresh business perspective that is fueled by proven strategies can help you realise the hidden benefits of planning for business success. Most importantly it is my hope that these works in and smart tips will inspire you to fearlessly take definitive action and develop a result oriented success plan of your own.
If you are ready for massive success in your business then join with me for 21 tips for tactical leadership.
# 1) Results with 21 tips for tactical plans.
Do you have any new business ideas ? Great! That's what we want to transform your goals into tangible realities. Priorities and convert your strategies to tactics at an operational level. Create this 21 tips according to the tatical principals and designed to achieve the greatest immediate value.
Evaluate your each effort and ensure that your tasks fule the overall value of your " BIG IDEA"? This simple enitial planning step, can turn lofty goals into achievable impact and accountable results .
#2) Keep everything simple ! Simplify as you get back to your besics . 
As your small business grows up it's very easy to be encumbered by complexity that were meant thighs broader Instead.
Regain your business clarity by eliminating excess and focusing on your core services------ through the heart and soul of your business and why you exit ? 
It is easy to get lost in perpetual habits that do not truly add value. Instead, recommit your business to Simplicity, cultivate your business in a " Green Thumb" prunes , what is unfruitful to leave room for strong ideas and programs to flourish ? 
#3) Routine Home Work ( regular maintenance)  Tune up business and prevent future problems for optimal performance . Just take a look back at this year and commit to thoughtful approach for assessing, what you did well and what went wrong ? It is my suggestion , Clearly Identify lessons learnt ? Do not be afraid of to honesty ! Evaluate shortcomings and wins ! 
Consider this lesson as your routine home work. Or as regular maintenance, Because business tuneups can prevent major problems from occurring down the road.
#4) Make sure your business is FUND-ABLE ? 
More often than not you must in a position to raise capital from outside, investors to take your operation to the next level.
Before you ask people to invest, make sure your business is FUND-ABLE and Sustainable .
Investors are always in a hunt , looking for opportunities that line up with their risks and return profiles in near and long term.
Make sure your business is geared appropriately with respect to both .
#5) Maintaining Your Cash flow .
This bottom line is extremely important because an overspending could make the difference in whether or not you are able to grow and be profitable . Review your budget quarterly, at a minimum and look for the ways to cut your Costs and operate more efficiently without cannibalizing the guests experience.
Take an example,  before launching a product/service run a small- Scale market survey to determine the potential revenue and margin contribution. Once you are satisfied yourself , " I" the numbers, make sense and move ahead to full- Scale launch and do not forget to track guest feedback .
A significant number of small businesses they do not their guests/Consumers and then adopt their business models, The result is crippling cash crunch.
" Value investors to look at cash flows, if a organization can maintain present cash flows from 5 years. It is good investment. Investors then just hope that those flows and thus the organisation value- don't decrease faster than they anticipate" - Peter Thiel A Co- Founder of PayPal.
#6) Always follow, great advisors and mentors . Every entreprenurs were multiple hats and have limited time to remember everything . A solid network of advisors and mentors that provides perspective and advice is atmost importance .
Reach out to your network find out who has experience in areas where you are weak ? You will be surprised to discover how many people are willing to help you and also want to invest in your business.
#7) Avoid looking in your review mirror ( Following Compititors)
Competition will always exist . Instead of focusing on what others are doing ? Remain Crystal Clear about where you stand and your business is ahead. The best inspiration- directional business clues- will come from your guests. Focus on providing the best values possible and stop being distracted by outside noise.
" If we can keep our compititors focused on us while we stay focused on the consumers/coustemers, Ultimately We'll Turn Out Right" - Jeff Bezos A Founder Of Unique Amazon.
#8) Focus on establishing your personal brand ! 
As you serve your guests and clients, do not forget the importance of devoloping a professional brand voice of your own .
Every successful entrepreneur should have an up, UP-TO-DATE and ongoing social media presence which is proffesional, informative and focus on showcasing the entreprenurs work.
" Think of your social networks as your "DIGITAL RESUME" What do they say about you ? 
#9) Success is all about "TEAMWORK"
As the old adage say's " ROME, Was not built in a day or by one person. What it means? As a founder do not forget that you are only as good as your team and the people you surround yourself with each day. Let go of the IDEA , that you can do everything yourself. You can not ! Always hire people who are smarter than you, people who are committed to do good things that you are not good at and who complement your skills .
Steve Jobs once said "  Lot of companies -------- hire people tell them to what to do ? But we hire people to tell us what to do ? 
( Steve Jobs " Computer science, is a Liberal Art" NRP6 oct 2nd /web 19 December 2012 ) 
#10) Learn investing in yourself !
Running a hotel/resort business is time consuming, alright ! But be sure to take time to revisit the reasons that drove you to curve your organization in the first place.
Make a list of pin points to highlight everyday/periodical achievements. Find opportunities to reward yourself for everything you have accomplished.
This can be simple as leaving the office a few hours early or finally scheduling that dream vacation you have been talking about for years.
You are a LEADER" and everyone is talking about for year and you are a leader everyone is taking cues from you.
This is the time to become engaged, productive and enthusiastic contributor that you know you can be.
#11) Investing in your " TEAM- METS" 
Always build loyalty from your most important "ASSETS" is your team! Find the ways to invest in your employees and cultivate their talents ! This does not necessarily mean monetory rewards. Take intrest in things that inspire them and find ways for your team to grow alongside the organisation. 
Reasearch indicates that recognition and personal engagement play much greater role than money when it's comes to determine an employee's happiness with his/her employer.
This is your time to become the "BOSS" that they could not imagine leaving you.
" Always treat your employees exactly you want them to treat as your best customers" - Stephen- R- Covey. Author of the " Seven habits of highly effective people". 
#12) Habit of investing intelligently.
Think strategically about how you spend cash and other resources in your business? Allocate funds and energy to activities that really differentiate your products/services.
#13) Reduce, Refocuse and Delegate your work load to new hires .
Whether you need to hire support staff, Virtual employees and interns or maybe even consult with specialist on your individual projects, it is probably a good time to recruit new talent. Many small business owners tends to become a jack of all, and end up with master of none.
That the determinants of their business objectives, growth and personal sanity.
#14)  You should always have plan "B" for creating a plan for new opportunities.
Growing your small scale business can seem like a never ending search for new opportunities to increase your reach and sales.
  #15)  There is only one "BOSS" Is your potential guests/coustemers/consumers.
Remember " And he can fire everybody in the organisation/company from chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else". - Sam Watton- Founder Of Unique Walmart.
#16) Gather Testimonials.
Acquire testimonials from your happy guests and clients to help hone, What it is working well in your business, Explore all those facets how you acquired and serve those happy guests and look to replicate and scale the experience.
#17) Try to lose, excess weight in your business.
When it is time to lean and strong. Stop doing things that are not relevant, unproductive and not offering you leverage.
" True Startup , productivity is not just making more stuff, but it is systematically figuring out right things to build" - Ericries - The author of Lean Startup.
#18) Arrenge piriodical briefing sessions and educates your employees on social media.
Remember Social media is not just for your guests/coustemers/consumers service or for marketing them. Because it's impacts every aspects of your business, From sales to HR ( Human Resources) which can be shared and impacts management decisions, legal communication and your brand reputation. Every employee represents your brand in some way. Therefore it is necessary for educating them on impotance of social media platforms and how to properly use it only to serve better.
#19) Fix up the top roof .
As JSK famously stated " The time to repair roof is when the sun is shining". ( Kennedy John F. ( State of union address, 11 jan 1962 ) 
Seriously it's good time to check out now to go fix the roof. Because there maybe a leak somewhere and if you spend much time celebrating accomplishments you may get crushed by your compition in your business.
#20) Always assign a ( DRI) in every respect of your business projects. DRI is an acronym for " Direct responsible individual" This is the actual method of management implied by  worlds some of the most recognised brands including Apple Inc and Google's too.
#21)  Measure everything and just focused on the results.
As a CEO of an investors firms that manages private wealth and accounts as per the rule 401, (K)s you assigned yourself to know that measurements is an absolute and non-negotiable success principal , Too many entreprenurs lose control of their time to interruptions and manual tasks that are not focused on results. So create daily To-do-List that includes atleast five priority items and plan your schedule to complete those tasks.
CONCLUSION : Be involved in your business marketing, but the best way to implement above strategies are very important to build your success forever.  I hone you must have understood the purpose of your business success.
DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed in this article are based on personal research studies and are the views of author don't necessarily reflect the views of perfectionist. I have tried my best to share my professional experience and practical knowledge in this field since last 24 years.
Being a industry expert and consultant in the field since last 5 years. The article is based on integrity of the business owners who are interested in building there success in the process of business operation.
For further any support please mail me on 
NAME : Abhiraj Waghmare
MOBILE NO : 8830798050
EMAIL ADDRESS : waghmareabhiraj23@gmail.com


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