". Today's Special" How to write SEO friendly blog post to stand out in Google Ranking ?

Albert Einstein Said " You never fail Until you Stop Trying "?. " Everyone Can Write Blog Post That Rank Well " Up till now I have published around 15 blogs posts . What about writing great content that will rank well with search engine ? I'm proud to say ! That many of those articles will show up on Google's front page ( For the terms like " Great Thoughts" ) . These types of Content can drive income with success I'm not privy to that exact statistics ? But I know that such blog post can get a huge monthly traffic stream from Google .         As more and more articles are published online every day. The competition to earn Google's top spot get ever - Fiercer ! If you want to rank well in 2020 and beyond. You will have to write truly extraordinary Content. I'm here to share with you what I know about doing just that. you can write Seo friendly blog post that rank well on Google's front page for popular Keewords . what makes a a Google friendly blog post?                                                                 1) #All in one one stop destination.           For example super "Bigbazzar" , " D- Mart" or "Wallmart" in our town, are the ultimate one stop shopping locations. You can buy your daily needs, like groceries, home appliances , electronic equipments etc.., consumers eyes inspected i.e all in one place persieve love share things because they can get almost everything without going to go all over the town. Google loves these webpages for the same reason. They want to diliver certain search results, that provide their readers with everything they need without having to follow a bunch of links. So be through before you click "Publish" ask yourself if is there anything else that you could provide the audience of past content that save time by giving me all the information, I could possibly need in one place. All your posts on web should have atleast 2000 words long, it's not because I think longer is better, something less is more.                               For example, " Stain Godin" is one of the world's most successful blogger have rearerly writes posts longer than 300 words. Short posts are easy to read and therefore easy to comment on and share. But don't count on your short posts, ranking well have a better chance of getting on the front page of google. If your post is at least 2000 words, longer posts have have more Keewords more often and in more combinations of search engines also see them as being more is likely to fulfill their users needs because they contain more information. Your past needs to adhere to inorder to be effective and rank well. But it does help to have loose the temples so what things Stay organized.                                                       # Create lists : Readers love top list posts because they are easy to read and therefore they rank best of the most because they are it's greatest source of traffic. I like writing list posts because there format is so simple.                            # Step by Step guide's.                                 Guides always make a great blog content because they provide enormous value to readers and they are search engine friendly. You can format your guide by breaking the process into its essential steps and browsing those steps down further into sub steps jf necessary.              The goal of guide is to make the task easy to complete for your readers.                        # Category : Organize each post into categories, content driving traffic , design and monitization and then breakdown each category into these lessons. It's not just better organized it also allows readers to self select which areas they want to learn about.                                                   #  Eye Conley , Web is so full of flashy grafics highres photos and animated videos. A few images go a long way to break up the text and great the attention of of the people who may just be skimming through images can also helps to confie the composition of the longer articles.        # Bullet points : it's take a minute but it serves a couple of real important purpose, It gives a reader a bit of roadmap for the post. He/ She can take a few bullet points and immediately know the content, below the content what they looks for the point is in headlines, introducing roadmap to create curiosity gap make your points truly fascinating they will function like cliffhanger , at the end of the chapter in novels your readers will compiled to read on just so they can satisfy their curiosity.  # Quotations : Are your real best friends . Quote really stand out visually for example a welcome break from paragraphs of text. Quote create more just visual space they serve as powerful point of interaction Quotations Are authoritative. It's like a spach article or a book is like a relief in the hands of infrontryman it's speaches with authority .                                                        # Drafting : when I started writing a long article like this one ,  I got about a thousands of different ideas running through my mind possible angles, sections & Sentences. This is indeed a place to start hashing all these ideas out refilling them to execute.                                              # Formulating: The longer your post is the more important formulating becomes imaginary and block posts will go long way towards making your content more digestible but there is no substitute for headings.                                                        # writing : if you expect someone to sit down and read 2000 + words you owe it to them to write those 2000 words very well. It means giving yourself plainty of time writing about something that you actually know a lot about. If you want some writing advice you can check out article of tips" On How to become a better online winter read to get on googles front page. Writing valuable those and otherwise SEO friendly content is the single most important thing you can do to rank well within search engine But you have to get a top for compitative and qualitative keywords unless you take additional optimization techniques in to account. To learn more about how to optimise your search I recommend you check out the two articles from " Nicholas Tart" " Why you are not getting search engine traffic ?" Or " 10 SEO blog post publishing steps that most Blogger forget"                                        


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