If you are reading this it means you are probably actively engaged in resort business ownership, or planning to start new one and intrested in to know  more about this business or you have found yourself in one or more of these scenarios ?
1) " I know I need a plan to grow my business, but I don't know from where to begin ? I bearly have enough time in the day to run my business, mush less to plan for our feature success ? 
2) I'm working hard in my business, but I don't feel like I'm any closer to goals than I was a years ago ! I want to start working smarter and see real results from the fruits of my labour as an entrepreneur.
3) " It's been an amazing year so far I'm excited about what the future holds for my business ? I'm ready to plan for more success it would be great if I could gain access to other succesful strategies to achieve success and apply to my growing my business ".
If any of these statements sounds familiar with you then you are ready for fresh and provocative insights we have revealed in this article.
Let me clear , the defination of counsulting " we are engaged in the business of giving experts advice to people who are actively engaged in houspitality industry. 
Famous clinical psychologist " Jennifer Kunst- phid " Explains " The urge towards progress is the evolutionary, servivel of the fittest drive , that pushes us behound the limits of sefty and comfort to adapt to new challenges it is an intent biological and phychological force that peoples a child from crowling to walking from dependence to independence and from difference to authority ". This means that there is a always a gap between where someone is and where they want to be " And the mission of this blog as an independent consultant is to help bridge that gap . 
The history of houspitality industry is closely linked to that of civilization. It is a history that has evolved as major civilizations appeared and devloped. Facilities offering hospitality to travelers and guests have existed across centuries; they have evolved in their offerings by consistently adapting to the wishes of their most important stakeholders.
Houspitality Industry is a high risks proposition. You've got a lofty level of competition and lots of details to perfect.
Competion in the market with the same scale business is the major factor that leads to the failure of the resort business.
Resort management covers diversified operations and departments such as guests service, staff management, inventory & assets management, hiring, training & marketing according. Therefore it takes immense expertise to sustain the business and last long in the industry. 
It is a business it has got " RISKS" involved. Here the word " RISKS" holds true in every sense, when you fall in " RISKS MANAGEMENT" your business fails. 
Houspitality is all about " Relationship between guests and host ".
The nature of houspitality business is inherently compitative, Volatile and hence subjected to Down hill. This industry is at a " Touch - Point" where hardly 1/3 of the houspitality business starts - ups sustain and make it longer than decades. You may fill I'm okay, to handle everything, I know my business will work well ! Why should I read this ? Remember, " Precaution is better than Cure " Simple ! 
Have you awear of the " Hidden benifits of planning for business success ? 
It has been said " If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail". ( Harvey Mackay) Instead we are on a full-tilt mission to help you plan for massive success in your resort business.
WHAT IS RESORT ? Normally, a self- contained commercial establishments that tries to provide, most of vacationers wants, needs and greeds to treat, such as food, drinks, loadging, sports, fitness, entertainment and shopping in the primises. It is a place for vacation, relaxation or as a daytime getway.
Numerous activities are usually conducted at resorts as well as massages, meals, live entertainment, sports and cosmetic treatments. This can be a single structured such as hotel on whole island or a ship at sea where visitors are feed from most daily errands, which are topically taken care of by the facilities staff.
There are plenty types of resorts, such cuter to certain audiences such as families, friends or single audults. While others attempts to have wider plea. Depending upon the concept, theme and phylosophy behind the resort. The staff might strive to meet every single need the guests have, allowing them relax quietly. In some resorts they offer vigorous directed physical activities such as rope climbing, rope cycling, walking through Burma bridge, hiking or mountain climbing. These types of resorts are known as adventure and amusement parks. 
Different resorts frequently offers very diverse experiences , some functions like luxury hotels and give their guests a day or two of through relaxation. While others functions like small cities, even providing long term housing for those who wants lengthy stay. Larger locations are engaged sometimes with whole shopping malls within their borders, complete with a renge of restaurants and other stores. 
A resort also can be built around a solitary them, concept or phylosophy. These thems could be anything from a fevorite movie to enjoy historical time period. Resorts that are built around specific thems typically offers activities and events that are in some way related with it, such as horse riding, bullock carts riding, Camel riding, water sports etc. 
For example,  horse riding lessons in western - themed ranch. 
The actual location of constructed building also can be used to describe some sorts of resorts. A beach ski jungle resort is a case of this type.
Normally resorts itself is essentially defined by the destination. A structure of business definitions have been established to fulfill some visitors needs and that permits a location to be classified as resort. A proper conferring of resort with their patrons and standards with atleast one signature facility which is distinct as the main activity the potential guests can enjoy. There is also inclusion of 5 secondary activities and experiences. Such as spa aids, sports, indoor and outdoor, entertainment and others that can be exploited. These are all inclusive of guests with room or one day picnics packages along with breakfast, lunch and hytea or hytea, dinner and morning breakfast. like wise. Such resorts typically sets a package ( price) for loadging, as well as unlimited breakfast, lunch or dinner and activities and entertainment's.
Normally guests end up paying one price per person. To enjoy all you need for entertaining vacation experience. 
1) BEACH RESORT : Most beach resort offers guests many exciting water activities such as parasailing, tennis, horse riding, beach volleyball and snorkeling. Such resorts also have a special one site beach reserved facility especially for VIP guests.
2) GOLF RESORTS : Especially disigned for the golf lovers. Such resorts have on-site golf course or are located very close to atleast one course. These resorts include golf passes so guests can enjoy round or two for no additional charges. They also included confirmed tea forms, prepaid green fees and use of the golf carts.
3) ISLAND RESORTS : The resorts located on an island called island resort. These resorts enables guests to enjoy all kinds of activities such as fishing, parasailing, boating, scuba diving, swimming, snorkeling and other relevant water sports.
4) LAKE RESORTS : Resorts located directly or near lake where guests can enjoy a wide range of water activities such as swimming, cruise, boating, fishing and other water sports.
5) LUXURY RESORTS : Where guests enjoy fully staffed primises with exciting daily archives, first class amenities and services, best cuisine anywhere. Luxury resorts are elite properties know for their exceptional guests services, houspitality management and amenities are certain with large comfortable rooms were guests can enjoy everything from down - failled duvets and in - suite hot water tubes with expensive marvel bathrooms and huge plasma televisions.
6) MOUNTAIN RESORTS : A selected location where guests can enjoy remarkable scenery and great hiking experience, swimming and sight seeing in the summer or in the winter with some exciting group activities such as down hill and cross country, skiing, snowboarding, snowmobiling or even sleigh rides.
7) PET - FRIENDLY RESORTS : Certain resorts will restrict the size of animals, but they give you opportunity to share your vacation with your four - legged Friends. These resorts even include a special dog menu facilities with tender morsels for your fevorite pooch.
8) SKI RESORTS : If you one of those who enjoys cross country or down hill skiing, snowboarding or snowmobiling , you should consider ski resort . They often include exciting evening entertainment along with warm hot tubs or even horse- down sled excursions.
9) SPA RESORTS : The Ultimate relaxation and pampering. Kairali Ayurvedic Health Resort in india , contain an on site health or spa where you can eliminate stress and tension, treat variety of aliments detoxify or rejuvenate your mind and body where guests can enjoy soothing hot stone massages cellulite- redusing body wrap or relaxing facial.
10) THEM PARK RESORTS : Ultimate family vacation spot where everyone can stay together in luxury family oriented hotel and then spend the day braving the rides, trying their luck at the midway enjoying the ford or having their photo taken with Mickey and friends.
11) TROPICAL RESORTS : Most of the travelers choose to escape the winter blues by traveling to tropical resorts. Tropical resorts are located within tropical climates attracts sun seekers who enjoys water activities or just relaxing on a sandy white beach.
12) HISTORICAL RESORTS : For someone who is looking for something out of the ordinary vacation. If you love history or want to see how your ancestors may have lived then historical resort is a great choice for you.
13) DUDE RANCH : Heading to a dude ranch also known as a guest ranch can be great change of place where you can enjoy beauty of the fresh air and remarkable scenery.
14) SINGLE RESORTS : If you don't have a traveling partner and you are looking for romance these resorts cater only people like you. Most offers special packages for singles only where you can spend your vacation getting to meet intersting men/women in one convenient and state location.
15) FISHING RESORTS :  Avid fishermen and nature lovers can enjoy a vacation on such resorts. Where you enjoy your catch in wide variety of fish with relaxing in evening meal.
16) COUPLES RESORTS : Couples who wants to enjoy a quiet romantic vacation on resorts where you won't have to worry about being bothered by screaming childrens and can enjoy a wide variety of couples oriented activities and entertainment.
17) ECO - TOURISM RESORTS : With so much attention focused on the environment and wildlife conservation; there is no better choice than ecotourism resorts. Where guests can stay in environmentally friendly resorts with exciting activities that focus on preseving the natural environment. Where you can enjoy a day observing lions and giraffes in their natural habitat. Exploring the rainforest or hiking pristine mountains.
18) CLOTHING - OPTIONAL RESORTS : A type of nudists resort. For enjoying adventure and a liberating vacation experience. They have private nude beaches reserved for guests where you shed your clothing and your inhibitions.
19) ADULTS- ONLY RESORTS : A place with more peace and quiet with all amenities and activities, geared for older individuals known as adults only resort. Because of the age restrictions guests of these resorts won't have to bother with noisy children.
20) FAMILY RESORTS : A place on the other side of the spectrum where the amenities and rooms are designed to accommodate children of all ages along with baby sitting with nominal fees. These resorts offer wide range of supervised activities and programs designed for children of various age groups. Your entire family can spend a quality time together while exploring activities suited for their perticular age and interests.
21) CASINO RESORTS : Those who enjoy traveling and gambling. The cost of staying at resort will vary greatly depending on which one you choose when you pay one price without having to pay extra for entertainment, activities, food and drinks, transportation and meals.
Though resort management involves over loading operations, recreation facilities and food services there are so many challenges are need to face.
1) HIGH OPERATIONS COSTS : Mainly from wage payment.
Operations Costs specially labour costs have always been high on houspitality industry and especially in resorts. This is partly because of high numbers of employees handling different tasks that are needed. Infact for most resorts paying for wages accounts is largest single expense and takes a big chunk of operating costs of the resort. On the other hand necessity of larger number of skilled staff. Who are well motivated are necessary for effective running of resort. The increase competion resorts are forced to cut prices in order to attract more guests and therefore remain in the business. This is especially true during low activity season when few people are holidaying.

#1) Resort operations manager is responsible for the preparation, presentation and subsequent achievements of the resort annual operating budget, marketing and sales. Plan capital budget accordingly.
#2) Manage ongoing profitability of the resort. Ensuring revenue and guests satisfaction targets are met and exceeded.
#3) Ensure all decisions are made in the best interest of resort and management.
#4) Diliver resort's budget goals and set's other short and long term strategic goals for the property.
#5) Developing improvement actions and carry out cost savings methods.
#6) Strong understanding of P&L statements and ability to react with impactful strategies.
#7) Closely monitor the resort business cost operations report on daily basis and take decisions accordingly.
#8) Ensure monthly financial out looks for rooms, f&b , admin & general are on target and accurate.
#9)  Maximizing room yield and resorts revenue through innovative sales practices and yield management program.
#10)  Act as a final decision maker in hiring and retaining key staff.
#11) Overseeing and managing all departments are working closely with department heads on daily basis.
#12) Be accountable for responsibilities of the department heads and take ownership of all guests complaints.
#13) Provided effective leadership to resort team members and lead in all aspects of business planning.
#14) Corporate client acquisition along with the new clients acquisition with sales team whenever required.
#15) Facilitation of communication for better interpretation between employees and respective departments which helps to resolve disputes or disagreements.
#16) Lead by example , give out perks & try competion and open forum real break.
#17) Attracting guest and acquisitions of guest is one thing and aquaring refferals is quite another eliminate and empower your employees to make decisions.
CONCLUSION : Being high operation costs and some of the most significant challenges faced by the resort Industry it is clearly understand the industry is a delicate one and can be affected by many internal and external factors with great consequences.
DISCLAIMER : The opinions expressed in this article are the views of the Professional industry experts . We have tried our best to make it more uodated. 
NAME : Abhiraj Waghmare
Mobile number :8830798050
Email address :


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